Home Automation
April 22, 2022

Transforming Your Home into a Smart Home

Are you thinking about transforming your home into a smart home but aren’t sure where to start? Security Systems of America can help! In this guide to home automation, we will help you understand what home automation is and what you need to get started on your smart home.

What is Home Automation?

Home automation is one of many areas of the Internet of Things (IoT) and is the process of building automation for a home, creating a smart home or smart house. Home automation has three levels: monitoring, control, and automation.


This allows you to view the status of your home systems, such as the air conditioner, or check to see if the doors are locked or if you shut the lights off.


This aspect allows you to turn up or down the temperature, lock the doors, shut the lights off or turn them on.


This gives you the ability to change the state of the home systems automatically in response to a specific event. For example, you can set your system to turn on the air conditioning once the temperature rises above a certain temperature or shut off your lights when no one is at the house.

What Do I Need for Home Automation?

To get started on your home automation, you will need an internet connection. If you plan to set up the home automation yourself, you will need to make sure that you’ve gathered all the devices and wiring. You will also need to check the capabilities of your current home devices to ensure everything will work together.

DIY home automation can be difficult, and you may end up with a mess of wires hanging throughout the home. With a professional installation by SSA, we will hide your wires and devices for a seamless smart home.

Benefits of Professional Home Automation

With an SSA smart security system, we utilize advanced technology and our intelligent platform to connect your new or existing lighting, thermostat, and other smart devices to your security system.

Our team has the tools and the knowledge to install your home automation technology so you can control everything from your lighting to your security system through one user-friendly mobile app.

Contact Security Systems of America today to learn more!

Brian Winters
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