Summertime is filled with outdoor fun, which leaves the inside of your home or business vulnerable to break-ins while you are out. Warmer seasons pose the greatest risk of burglary crimes than any other time of year. With this in mind, our team at Security Systems of America is here to help keep you and your family safe all summer long. Our security systems have everything that you need to keep burglars out, but there are also other key things you can do on your own to further improve the safety and protection of your space.
Closing your blinds and curtains, as well as locking your windows while out or sleeping does more than you think for preventing burglaries. First of all, a burglar will usually only break into places that have sure treasures. So closing your blinds or curtains will prevent this exact information from being known, which cuts the chance of your place being burglarized in ha half.
Not only covering, but also locking your windows will also greatly decrease your risk of being burglarized. This seems like an overly simplistic safeguard against burglars, but many people—especially in the summer—keep their windows unlocked and open during the night or while only gone for a brief period of time. This is a welcome sign for burglars. Close your blinds. Lock and close your windows.
Just as with windows, locking the entries to your space will greatly decrease the chance of a burglar coming through the door with ease. Also to keep in mind is the age of the door locks themselves. If you live or work in any space that has been previously owned or rented, be sure to change all of the locks as you move in. The landlord may have collected a set of keys, but the number of key sets in existence is unknown. Ensure that you and another person who you trust are the only ones with the keys by changing the locks.
No burglar wants to be in the spotlight while in doing a heist. Keeping your place well lit for this reason alone will detract burglars from attempting to enter. From setting interior lights on a timer to installing motion sensor lights outside, keeping your place bright will help to keep it from being broken into.
For a season that is both fun and safe, put these few summer safety tips to good use now and throughout the rest of the year. Also, contact us at Security Systems of American for more safety tips and information on our advanced alarm systems. We will help keep your space safe, all season, every season.